Through various horror reports in the media, such as PRISM (the NSA spying program, USA) or Tempora(the GCHQ spy program, UK), my confidence in the digital communication became more and more insecure. So I asked myself: can everybody read my emails like a postcard or follow my chat on facebook?
There are so many different services (De-Mail, hike, etc.) that promise: security, confidentiality and privacy. But all services have one thing in common, the texts and keys are stored on servers on the Internet. So my data are not safe and non-locally or offline available. In addition, any of my friends / communication partner must be logged in to the service.
For these reasons I wrote the unreadable-app. It encrypts and decrypts text independently of the transport (e-mail, Whatsapp, Facebook and co) and the platform (PC, smartphone, television, etc.). Other functions are:
- Fast and effective encryption and decryption of texts
- Strong symmetric encryption algorithm (Advanced Encryption Standard short AES)
- 256-bit key length
- Protection against Data analysis-tools
- Offline Availability
- Different languages: German, English
- Platform independent (The app works on the PC, the smartphone, camera, TV, etc. … everything, that has a browser;)
Sprechen Sie deutsch? Hier klicken…
Transmitter |
Receiver |
- Write text
- Think out a password and encrypt the text
- Send encrypted text
- Communicate the password to the communication partner by telephone, letter or in direct conversation
- go to or download the app
- Copy encrypted text into the app
- Enter the password and decrypt the text
With the app encrypted texts can be sent by:
- E-Mail
- USB/CD/DVD/Bluray (stored in a file)
- Facebook, Google+, Twitter, …
- WhatsApp, ChatON, Hangouts, Hike,, Skype, ….
free vs. paid version
The paid version has the following advantages:
- No Advertising
- No Google Analytics
- 100% Offline
- Support
Plattforms / Apps
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